
Friday, May 7, 2010

How often should you be monitored in public locations?

With the world's increasing technology,programmers have come up with a unique method of recognition called biometric face recognition whereby your face can be recognised by a computerised machine and one can be allowed to enter a premise or access certain things. One of the latest Dell laptops uses face recognition as a form of identification to confirm user. Some premises such as the gymn, library and workplace uses face recognition as a form of identification for registered members. The law enforcement such as the police is however using this facility to their own advantage At large sporting events or other big events which are attended by a lot of people, the police is now using the face recognition system to allow entry and by doing this, they are given the opportunity to trace criminals. Those people who match with known criminals are detained. The face recognition system is also being implemented in streets to scan everybody who walks by. People who support the face recognition system are saying it does not waste a lot of time in trying to trace the criminal therefore the police can channel their efforts on other issues. On the other side, opponents of face recognition system view it as violation of privacy. In some cases innocent people have been detained because the systems are imperfect.

  • Would you mind constant monitoring by face recognition systems?
  • How would u react if you were detained due to a mistake made by a face recognition system?


  1. To be honest with you, it is difficult to come to a dominant conclusion in regard to this question. Some people may consider it a breach of privacy and offensive to be monitored in public places. However for people like law enforcers, it might be an added advantage as crime rates may be lowered through detection of criminals...

  2. Technology is moving too fast for the human race and humans can no longer keep up with the pace. Detecting criminals is a good thing but on the other hand detaining the wrong people, I personally see it as an offense. These systems if they are to be implemented with efficiency and precision so that any mishaps are avoided. However I don't see anything wrong with being monitored. They say what you don't know does not hurt so you don't know when, where and who is watching you
